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Jul 4, 2024
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Livewire - The "special situations" strategy driving alpha for Keyview

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Not all private credit funds are the same. Keyview focuses on opportunistic and special situations deals in the mid-market space. Miki Cvijetic, Investment Director at Keyview, spoke with Livewire to explain our differentiated approach.

Miki explains that at Keyview opportunistic means we are looking at borrower needs that the market isn't addressing. In sectors with abundant capital, lenders often have to accept predefined terms, resulting in worse protections and lower returns due to higher competition. Conversely, spaces with less capital competition often involve greater complexity, which also presents greater opportunities for those willing to do the work.

"We're not fishing in overfished ponds; we're seeking pockets where we can secure the best returns and protections for our investors," Miki said, highlighting three key factors that set Keyview apart:

1) an experienced team with backgrounds in complex special situations-type credit,

2) a flexible mandate to invest across industry sectors and capital structures, and

3) an alignment of incentives through team co-investment alongside clients.

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